Delbar's Fiddle

G and Em Tunes

  1. Adrian's (Adrain's) Hornpipe G-GDae - Bob Walters
  2. And The Cat Came Back
  3. Arrington's Breakdown G-GDae - Charlie Arrington via Volos
  4. Baby Ben
  5. Bacon Rind
  6. Bear Creek
  7. Benny Ate A Woodchuck
  8. Betty Baker
  9. Big Scioty
  10. The Big Elk
  11. Big Footed Man ITSL
  12. Billy In The Low Land G-GDae - Henry Reed via A.Jabbour
  13. Black Jack Grove - L.Porter
  14. Blackberry Blossoms - Dick Burnett
  15. Blake's March
  16. Blue Goose
  17. Bluegrass Meadows
  18. Bound To Have A Little Fun
  19. Break O Day G-GDae - Frank Hall
  20. Broken Down Gambler G-GDae - Lowe Stokes via The Monks
  21. Bryson Higgins' Tune
  22. Buffalo Gals - Rhys Jones
  23. Bummer's Reel
  24. Caribou Reel Em-GDae or G-GDae - Andy DeJarlis
  25. Cauliflower
  26. Chadwell's Station David Hamblen via Steve Green
  27. Charlie's Favorite G-GDae - Charlie Fulk via Sammy Lind
  28. Chase The Banshee
  29. Chicken Found A Pepper
  30. Chicken In The Garden
  31. Cleveland's March To The WH
  32. Climbing The Golden Stairs
  33. Cluck Old Hen G-GDae - Ed Weaver via Milner Koken
  34. Cluck Old Hen - Walter Neal
  35. Coal Harbor Bend
  36. Coker Creek
  37. Collin's Dream
  38. Come On Boys Let's Go To Anaky G-GDae - Gusty Wallace
  39. Cora Dye
  40. Corn In The Crib G-GDae - Blaine Smith via Canotes
  41. Cornstalk Fiddle - Bob Townsend
  42. Cornstalk Fiddle - J.Harrod
  43. Cowhide Boots G-GDae - Lyman Enloe
  44. Crockett's Honeymoon
  45. Cuffy
  46. Cuttin' At The Point
  47. Dandy Jim
  48. Dandy Lusk
  49. Dark Haired Girl - Bob Walters
  50. Devil Eat The Groundhog
  51. Doc Corn's Tune
  52. Down By The Creek
  53. Duck's Eyeball
  54. Eadle Alley
  55. Ebenezer
  56. Elk River Blues
  57. Feed My Horse On Corn And Hay
  58. Flop Eared Mule
  59. Flying Clouds G-GDae - Posey Rorer via Grey Craig
  60. Four Miles To Cumberland G-GDae - Tommy Hunter
  61. Frost's On The Pumpkin And The Fodder's In The Shock G-GDae - Levi Hall via M.Tamsula
  62. Fuller's Reel G-GDae - Tom Fuller
  63. Gentleman From Virginia G-GDae - Tommy Hunter
  64. Getting Upstairs
  65. Give Me A Chaw Of Tobacco
  66. Glory In The Meeting House Em-GDae - Luther Strong via Marian Macrae Herrmann
  67. Going Back To Fielden G-GDae - Dirk Powell
  68. Going Down To Cairo G-GDae - Noah Beavers via Garry Harrison
  69. Going To Town
  70. Going Up To Hamburg
  71. Going Uptown G-GDae - Omer Forster via J.Decosimo
  72. Grassy Creek G-GDae - Oscar "Red" Wilson
  73. Henry King's Reel
  74. Hell On The Wabash G-GDae - Roscoe Lance via Chirps Smith
  75. Hickory G-GDae - Boyd Asher via Earl White
  76. High Up On Tug
  77. Hobb Dye
  78. Hog Trough Reel
  79. Hollow Poplar
  80. Hooker's Hornpipe G-GDae - Taylor McBaine
  81. Hop-Scotch Polka G-GDae - Harvey Taylor via Chirps Smith
  82. Horses In The Canebreak
  83. Ida Red
  84. In Come A Litte Bee G-GDae - Snake Chapman
  85. Indian Corn
  86. Indian Nation
  87. Indian Squaw
  88. Irish Waltz
  89. Jaybird Died Of The Wooping Cough
  90. Jenny Put The Kettle On G-GDae - Gusty Wallace
  91. Jeff City aka Katon's
  92. Jim Armstead
  93. Jimmy In The Swamp
  94. John Brown's March
  95. Johnny Come Along
  96. Johnny Cope Am-AEae, A-AEae - Franklin George
  97. Johnny Walk Along With Your Paper Collar On G-GDae - Duck Wootan via H.Rains
  98. Johnny Will You Marry Me C-GDae
  99. Johnson's Girl G-GDae - John Lusk via Kerry Blech
  100. Jonesboro RW
  101. Josie-O
  102. Kentucky Winder G-GDae - John Salyer
  103. Last Chance G-GDae - Hobart Smith
  104. Last Of Harris G-GDae - John Salyer
  105. Laughing Marj
  106. Leake County Two Step
  107. Leather Britches G-GDae
  108. Litchfield G-GDae - Pete Priest via Volo Bogtrotters
  109. Little Sadie G-GDae - Wade Ward via Hank Bradley
  110. Lonesome Honey G-GDae - John Hannah
  111. Long Cold Winter Em-GDae or G-GDae - Kenny Baker via Carthy Sisco
  112. Long John G-GDae - Bob Walters
  113. Long Way Home
  114. Lost Girl G-GDae - Marion Reece via Canotes
  115. Lost Girl
  116. Lost Indian - Josiah Hall
  117. Lost Everything
  118. Louisville Breakdown
  119. Mace Bell's Civil War March
  120. Magnolia One Step G-GDae - Shelton Nations
  121. Mary Wants a Lover
  122. Magpie - Franklin George
  123. McCraw's Ford G-GDae - Art Galbraith
  124. Meriweather G-GDae - Jake Phelps via Bruce Greene
  125. Methodist Preacher G-GDae - Pendleton Vandiver via Kenny Baker
  126. Miller's Reel - JP Fraley
  127. Mississippi Palisades
  128. Mississippi Snag G-GDae - Nile Wilson
  129. Moon Behind The Hill G-GDae - Melvin Wine
  130. Mouth Of The Tobique
  131. Muddy Roads
  132. Nail That Catfish To A Tree
  133. Nancy Rollin (Rowland) G-GDae - Skillet Lickers via Highwoods Stringband
  134. Nancy Rowland G-GDae - Carter Brothers and Son via Rhys Jones
  135. New Broom
  136. New Nashville
  137. Newport Breakdown G-GDae - Osey Helton
  138. No Corn On Tygart James W. Day
  139. No Corn On Tygart Ed Haley Am out of Std
  140. North Carolina Breakdown
  141. Old Aunt Jenny WHNCO
  142. Old Beech Leaves
  143. Old Billy Hell
  144. Old Blue Mule G-GDae - Glen Rickman via Bob Holt
  145. Old Blue Tick G-GDae - August Merrill via J.Bryan
  146. Old Buck GM - Tommy Jarrell
  147. Old Buzzard G-GDae - Doc Roberts via Canotes/Clyde Davenport
  148. Old Chattanooga
  149. Old Folks Play And The Young People Dance G-GDae - Mannon Campbell
  150. Old Granny Blair
  151. Old Home Town Band
  152. Old Mose
  153. Old Number Third
  154. Old Sledge
  155. Old Time Billy In The Lowground Kelly Gilbert
  156. Old Time Irish Washerwoman GDae - Blaine Smith
  157. Old Yellow Dog
  158. One-Eyed Goose G-GDae - Chris Germaine via Al Lubanas
  159. Ora Lee
  160. Pat 'Em On The Back G-GDae - Snake Chapman
  161. Patty On The Turnpike - Sarah Armstrong
  162. Peas In The Pot
  163. Peeler Creek Waltz (Feed Your Babies Onions) G-GDae - Kenny Hall
  164. Pennsylvania Polka
  165. Piney Woods Gal G-GDae - Emmett Lundy via Marian Macrae Herrmann
  166. Poor Little Mary Sitting In The Corner G-GDae - Enos Canoy via R.Stefanini, B.Molsky
  167. Possum On A Rail
  168. Possum Up A Gum Stump
  169. Pretttiest Little Girl In The County G-GDae - Tom Fuller
  170. Pumpkin Vine
  171. Puncheon Floor G-GDae - Esker Hutchins
  172. Putner's Run
  173. Rainy Day
  174. Rat's Gone To Rest G-GDae - George Hawkins
  175. Rebel Raid - W.H. Stepp
  176. Red Fox
  177. Right Foot Left Foot
  178. Roaring River G-GDae - Monte Sano Crowder
  179. Rolling River - GL&Y
  180. Roscoe
  181. Roses In The Morning
  182. Round The Horn G-GDae - Jay Unger
  183. Russian Rabbit
  184. Saddle Old Paint Gm-GDae, G-GDae - Forest Pick via Jamie Fox
  185. Saddle Up The Grey
  186. Sail Away Ladies - MC
  187. Sail Away Ladies - LD
  188. Sail Away Ladies G-GDae - Uncle Bunt Stephens
  189. Sail Away Ladies - J.P. Fraley
  190. Salem Hornpipe
  191. Sal's Gone To The Cider Mill
  192. Sal Will You Marry Me
  193. Sam Hill
  194. Sandy River Belle
  195. Seneca Square Dance
  196. Sheeps and Hogs WTTP - BT
  197. Shag Poke G-GDae - Dwight Lamb
  198. Sherburn's Breakdown
  199. Shipping Port
  200. Shoefly G-GDae - Marvin Gaster and Rich Hartness
  201. Shoes And Stockings G-GDae - Henry Reed via Alan Jabbour
  202. Shove The Pigs Foot
  203. Simpson County G-GDae - Charlie Kessinger
  204. Skipping Cat
  205. Skunk In The Collard Patch G-GDae - Earl Phelps via Milner Koken
  206. Big Taters In The Sandy Land G-GDae - P.T.Bell via Spencer Rains
  207. Springfield Girl
  208. Stranger On A Mule G-GDae - Elzie Estes via Bruce Greene
  209. Steam Machine G-GDae - Garry Harrison
  210. Stump Tailed Dog
  211. Stumptailed Dolly G-GDae - W.H.Stepp
  212. Stumptown Stomp - Eck Robertson via Spencer Rains
  213. Sugarbaby
  214. Sweet Jenny
  215. Sycamore Shoals
  216. Sycamore Tea
  217. Teabag Blues
  218. Texas Barb Wire
  219. Third Of July AKA Cornhusker's Frolic G-GDae - Wikel Miller via The Volos
  220. Tie Your Dog Sally Gal G-GDae, Am-GDae - Will Adams
  221. Tombigbee Waltz G-GDae - via James Bryan
  222. Turkey Buzzard
  223. Turkey Gobbler
  224. Two O-Clock
  225. Waldorf's Reel
  226. Walnut Gap
  227. Warfield
  228. Waterloo
  229. Waynesboro
  230. Waynesboro E.Hammans via M.Brown
  231. Westphalia Waltz G-GDae via Pete Sutherland
  232. Whistlebee
  233. Whip The Devil Around The Stump
  234. White Buffalo Em-GDae or G-GDae - Fatty Morin via Jamie Fox
  235. Whiteface
  236. Who Shot The Rooster G-GDae - Macrae Sisters
  237. Wild Shoat
  238. You Better Get Out Of My Way Snake Chapman
  239. You Married My Daughter G-GDae - Louis Beaudoin
  240. You're So Sweet