G and Em Tunes
- Adrian's (Adrain's) Hornpipe G-GDae - Bob Walters
- And The Cat Came Back
- Arrington's Breakdown G-GDae - Charlie Arrington via Volos
- Baby Ben
- Bacon Rind
- Bear Creek
- Benny Ate A Woodchuck
- Betty Baker
- Big Scioty
- The Big Elk
- Big Footed Man ITSL
- Billy In The Low Land G-GDae - Henry Reed via A.Jabbour
- Black Jack Grove - L.Porter
- Blackberry Blossoms - Dick Burnett
- Blake's March
- Blue Goose
- Bluegrass Meadows
- Bound To Have A Little Fun
- Break O Day G-GDae - Frank Hall
- Broken Down Gambler G-GDae - Lowe Stokes via The Monks
- Bryson Higgins' Tune
- Buffalo Gals - Rhys Jones
- Bummer's Reel
- Caribou Reel Em-GDae or G-GDae - Andy DeJarlis
- Cauliflower
- Chadwell's Station David Hamblen via Steve Green
- Charlie's Favorite G-GDae - Charlie Fulk via Sammy Lind
- Chase The Banshee
- Chicken Found A Pepper
- Chicken In The Garden
- Cleveland's March To The WH
- Climbing The Golden Stairs
- Cluck Old Hen G-GDae - Ed Weaver via Milner Koken
- Cluck Old Hen - Walter Neal
- Coal Harbor Bend
- Coker Creek
- Collin's Dream
- Come On Boys Let's Go To Anaky G-GDae - Gusty Wallace
- Cora Dye
- Corn In The Crib G-GDae - Blaine Smith via Canotes
- Cornstalk Fiddle - Bob Townsend
- Cornstalk Fiddle - J.Harrod
- Cowhide Boots G-GDae - Lyman Enloe
- Crockett's Honeymoon
- Cuffy
- Cuttin' At The Point
- Dandy Jim
- Dandy Lusk
- Dark Haired Girl - Bob Walters
- Devil Eat The Groundhog
- Doc Corn's Tune
- Down By The Creek
- Duck's Eyeball
- Eadle Alley
- Ebenezer
- Elk River Blues
- Feed My Horse On Corn And Hay
- Flop Eared Mule
- Flying Clouds G-GDae - Posey Rorer via Grey Craig
- Four Miles To Cumberland G-GDae - Tommy Hunter
- Frost's On The Pumpkin And The Fodder's In The Shock G-GDae - Levi Hall via M.Tamsula
- Fuller's Reel G-GDae - Tom Fuller
- Gentleman From Virginia G-GDae - Tommy Hunter
- Getting Upstairs
- Give Me A Chaw Of Tobacco
- Glory In The Meeting House Em-GDae - Luther Strong via Marian Macrae Herrmann
- Going Back To Fielden G-GDae - Dirk Powell
- Going Down To Cairo G-GDae - Noah Beavers via Garry Harrison
- Going To Town
- Going Up To Hamburg
- Going Uptown G-GDae - Omer Forster via J.Decosimo
- Grassy Creek G-GDae - Oscar "Red" Wilson
- Henry King's Reel
- Hell On The Wabash G-GDae - Roscoe Lance via Chirps Smith
- Hickory G-GDae - Boyd Asher via Earl White
- High Up On Tug
- Hobb Dye
- Hog Trough Reel
- Hollow Poplar
- Hooker's Hornpipe G-GDae - Taylor McBaine
- Hop-Scotch Polka G-GDae - Harvey Taylor via Chirps Smith
- Horses In The Canebreak
- Ida Red
- In Come A Litte Bee G-GDae - Snake Chapman
- Indian Corn
- Indian Nation
- Indian Squaw
- Irish Waltz
- Jaybird Died Of The Wooping Cough
- Jenny Put The Kettle On G-GDae - Gusty Wallace
- Jeff City aka Katon's
- Jim Armstead
- Jimmy In The Swamp
- John Brown's March
- Johnny Come Along
- Johnny Cope Am-AEae, A-AEae - Franklin George
- Johnny Walk Along With Your Paper Collar On G-GDae - Duck Wootan via H.Rains
- Johnny Will You Marry Me C-GDae
- Johnson's Girl G-GDae - John Lusk via Kerry Blech
- Jonesboro RW
- Josie-O
- Kentucky Winder G-GDae - John Salyer
- Last Chance G-GDae - Hobart Smith
- Last Of Harris G-GDae - John Salyer
- Laughing Marj
- Leake County Two Step
- Leather Britches G-GDae
- Litchfield G-GDae - Pete Priest via Volo Bogtrotters
- Little Sadie G-GDae - Wade Ward via Hank Bradley
- Lonesome Honey G-GDae - John Hannah
- Long Cold Winter Em-GDae or G-GDae - Kenny Baker via Carthy Sisco
- Long John G-GDae - Bob Walters
- Long Way Home
- Lost Girl G-GDae - Marion Reece via Canotes
- Lost Girl
- Lost Indian - Josiah Hall
- Lost Everything
- Louisville Breakdown
- Mace Bell's Civil War March
- Magnolia One Step G-GDae - Shelton Nations
- Mary Wants a Lover
- Magpie - Franklin George
- McCraw's Ford G-GDae - Art Galbraith
- Meriweather G-GDae - Jake Phelps via Bruce Greene
- Methodist Preacher G-GDae - Pendleton Vandiver via Kenny Baker
- Miller's Reel - JP Fraley
- Mississippi Palisades
- Mississippi Snag G-GDae - Nile Wilson
- Moon Behind The Hill G-GDae - Melvin Wine
- Mouth Of The Tobique
- Muddy Roads
- Nail That Catfish To A Tree
- Nancy Rollin (Rowland) G-GDae - Skillet Lickers via Highwoods Stringband
- Nancy Rowland G-GDae - Carter Brothers and Son via Rhys Jones
- New Broom
- New Nashville
- Newport Breakdown G-GDae - Osey Helton
- No Corn On Tygart James W. Day
- No Corn On Tygart Ed Haley Am out of Std
- North Carolina Breakdown
- Old Aunt Jenny WHNCO
- Old Beech Leaves
- Old Billy Hell
- Old Blue Mule G-GDae - Glen Rickman via Bob Holt
- Old Blue Tick G-GDae - August Merrill via J.Bryan
- Old Buck GM - Tommy Jarrell
- Old Buzzard G-GDae - Doc Roberts via Canotes/Clyde Davenport
- Old Chattanooga
- Old Folks Play And The Young People Dance G-GDae - Mannon Campbell
- Old Granny Blair
- Old Home Town Band
- Old Mose
- Old Number Third
- Old Sledge
- Old Time Billy In The Lowground Kelly Gilbert
- Old Time Irish Washerwoman GDae - Blaine Smith
- Old Yellow Dog
- One-Eyed Goose G-GDae - Chris Germaine via Al Lubanas
- Ora Lee
- Pat 'Em On The Back G-GDae - Snake Chapman
- Patty On The Turnpike - Sarah Armstrong
- Peas In The Pot
- Peeler Creek Waltz (Feed Your Babies Onions) G-GDae - Kenny Hall
- Pennsylvania Polka
- Piney Woods Gal G-GDae - Emmett Lundy via Marian Macrae Herrmann
- Poor Little Mary Sitting In The Corner G-GDae - Enos Canoy via R.Stefanini, B.Molsky
- Possum On A Rail
- Possum Up A Gum Stump
- Pretttiest Little Girl In The County G-GDae - Tom Fuller
- Pumpkin Vine
- Puncheon Floor G-GDae - Esker Hutchins
- Putner's Run
- Rainy Day
- Rat's Gone To Rest G-GDae - George Hawkins
- Rebel Raid - W.H. Stepp
- Red Fox
- Right Foot Left Foot
- Roaring River G-GDae - Monte Sano Crowder
- Rolling River - GL&Y
- Roscoe
- Roses In The Morning
- Round The Horn G-GDae - Jay Unger
- Russian Rabbit
- Saddle Old Paint Gm-GDae, G-GDae - Forest Pick via Jamie Fox
- Saddle Up The Grey
- Sail Away Ladies - MC
- Sail Away Ladies - LD
- Sail Away Ladies G-GDae - Uncle Bunt Stephens
- Sail Away Ladies - J.P. Fraley
- Salem Hornpipe
- Sal's Gone To The Cider Mill
- Sal Will You Marry Me
- Sam Hill
- Sandy River Belle
- Seneca Square Dance
- Sheeps and Hogs WTTP - BT
- Shag Poke G-GDae - Dwight Lamb
- Sherburn's Breakdown
- Shipping Port
- Shoefly G-GDae - Marvin Gaster and Rich Hartness
- Shoes And Stockings G-GDae - Henry Reed via Alan Jabbour
- Shove The Pigs Foot
- Simpson County G-GDae - Charlie Kessinger
- Skipping Cat
- Skunk In The Collard Patch G-GDae - Earl Phelps via Milner Koken
- Big Taters In The Sandy Land G-GDae - P.T.Bell via Spencer Rains
- Springfield Girl
- Stranger On A Mule G-GDae - Elzie Estes via Bruce Greene
- Steam Machine G-GDae - Garry Harrison
- Stump Tailed Dog
- Stumptailed Dolly G-GDae - W.H.Stepp
- Stumptown Stomp - Eck Robertson via Spencer Rains
- Sugarbaby
- Sweet Jenny
- Sycamore Shoals
- Sycamore Tea
- Teabag Blues
- Texas Barb Wire
- Third Of July AKA Cornhusker's Frolic G-GDae - Wikel Miller via The Volos
- Tie Your Dog Sally Gal G-GDae, Am-GDae - Will Adams
- Tombigbee Waltz G-GDae - via James Bryan
- Turkey Buzzard
- Turkey Gobbler
- Two O-Clock
- Waldorf's Reel
- Walnut Gap
- Warfield
- Waterloo
- Waynesboro
- Waynesboro E.Hammans via M.Brown
- Westphalia Waltz G-GDae via Pete Sutherland
- Whistlebee
- Whip The Devil Around The Stump
- White Buffalo Em-GDae or G-GDae - Fatty Morin via Jamie Fox
- Whiteface
- Who Shot The Rooster G-GDae - Macrae Sisters
- Wild Shoat
- You Better Get Out Of My Way Snake Chapman
- You Married My Daughter G-GDae - Louis Beaudoin
- You're So Sweet